
Governor's Teaching Fellows Program Announces Participants for Academic Year 2020-2021

"The Governor's Teaching Fellows Program was established in 1995 by Governor Zell Miller to provide Georgia's higher education faculty with expanded opportunities for developing important teaching skills".







一名中年白人男性, 乔伊·特纳穿着有领衬衫,面带微笑, 短袖, navy blue golf shirt with a white undershirt and holds a picture. He is standing against an orange background that fades to black around the edges.2020年4月17日,乔治亚州奥古斯塔买世界杯app推荐 is pleased to announce that Aviation Instructor Mr. Joseph 特纳 has been chosen as a Fellow in the 2020-2021 Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program.

The Governor's Teaching Fellows Program was established in 1995 by Governor Zell Miller to provide Georgia's higher education faculty with expanded opportunities for developing important teaching skills. 整个学年, 特纳 will participate in a combination of structured instructional and faculty development activities, as well as self-directed activities designed to meet individual needs.

“I am excited and honored to be selected to such a prestigious program. I hope to learn better techniques so that I can help my students become the best aircraft maintenance technicians possible. I believe in teamwork and the sharing of knowledge and experiences. 因为这个原因, I am eager to learn from the other candidates’ experience and knowledge so that I may better assist my students. I will know that I have succeeded as a teacher when my students aim higher and go further than me,”先生说。. 特纳.

夫人. 临时总统希拉·希尔说:“奥巴马先生. 特纳 has a significant impact on the 买世界杯app推荐 community. He provides a positive learning environment where his students are able to comprehend and navigate through a complex subject matter. His expertise and commitment to teaching causes him to be highly respected amongst his peers and students. I am pleased he was selected for this honor and know he will be wonderful addition to the Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program.”

Mr. 特纳来自乔治亚州赫弗兹巴. He followed his father’s advice and chose to join the Air Force after high school. He was trained to work on aircraft and spent much of his time in Germany. 他还参加了沙漠之盾行动. After four years, he returned to Georgia and took a job at a local paper mill. But he decided that wasn’t the life he wanted to live, so he joined the Army. Going through basic training a second time was “like going to summer camp,” said 特纳. During his four-year stint in the Army, he worked as a mechanic on Bradley fighting vehicles. He’s spent the past six years at 买世界杯app推荐 using those skills to teach another generation of airplane mechanics.

He has been a licensed Airframe and Powerplant mechanic since 2008 and received his Aviation Maintenance Technology A.A.S. 2013年获得中乔治亚州立大学学位. 他的妻子是博士. Annie 特纳 and has a daughter named Grace who is 4 years old.


关于 佐治亚大学高等教育学院

The Institute of Higher Education is an academic unit of the University of Georgia committed to advancing higher education policy, 管理, 通过研究来领导, 研究生教育, 和推广. The Institute's mission encompasses higher education issues at the campus, 状态, 国家, 以及国际层面. The Institute is noted for its multidisciplinary approach to 研究生教育 and research, with areas of specialization in federal and 状态 policy, 治理和管理, 机构和系统融资, 教师职业和发展, 机构研究及评估, 以及知识的发展和交流.


关于 买世界杯app推荐

买世界杯app推荐, 佐治亚技术学院系统的一个单位, is a public postsecondary institution that provides academic and technical education, 定制的商业和行业培训, 继续教育, 学生支持, 经济发展, 成人教育服务 to its service area (Burke, 哥伦比亚, 林肯, 麦克达菲, 和里士满县)具有竞争力的金融价值. 理学副学士学位, 应用科学副学士学位, 文凭, and technical certificates of credit are provided through traditional and distance delivery methods. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.augu状态

For more information, contact Kimberly Holden, Director of Community Engagement & 买世界杯app推荐公共事务学院,706.771. 4819.

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